About us

We are a purely Czech company that manufactures and sells branded building chemicals products, recognized for their reliability. Our branded products are developed and tested in our own test center. Modern technology allows us to meet any quantity requirement while maintaining high quality and short delivery times. In Den Braven is made a wide range of products which are associated with comprehensive systems so they create sophisticated mutual linkage resulting in reduced labor costs and application time. We are successful in delivering market-leading solutions from our manufacturing facility in the Czech Republic.
Our priority is to maximize the efficiency of storage and thus minimize costs, which contributes to the further expansion of our company. From development through production to logistics, we care about the first-class service.
Automatic production lines
Den Braven is a company that produces a wide range of products that prove that it is not only quality that matters, but also the brand associated with it. Den Braven is a purely Czech company without foreign capital, which manufactures and sells branded products that are recognized for their reliability.
For over 20 years, we have been a leader in the world’s leading producers of sealants, polyurethane assembly foams, chemical anchors, cementitious adhesives, facade screeds, waterproofing coatings and top quality penetration contractors and suppliers of smart system solutions for building chemicals. We offer our customers access not only to a wide range of products available in stock, but also to progressive materials, state-of-the-art technology mechanisms, extensive consulting and sophisticated logistics.
For over 20 years, we have been a leader in the world’s leading producers of sealants, polyurethane assembly foams, chemical anchors, cementitious adhesives, facade screeds, waterproofing coatings and top quality penetration contractors and suppliers of smart system solutions for building chemicals. We offer our customers access not only to a wide range of products available in stock, but also to progressive materials, state-of-the-art technology mechanisms, extensive consulting and sophisticated logistics.
Test center
In our own testing center we develop and test the reliability of our branded products for you. We carefully review the newly developed Den Braven products as well as the revised versions of existing products as well as perform benchmarking. Top quality is a matter of course for us. We are constantly improving input, in-process and output control.
We adhere strictly to all technical, environmental and hygiene standards applicable to the European Union. We do not only produce and sell individual products. We combine them into logical units that form a coherent system, elaborate their mutual relations and propose so-called “smart solutions” that reduce labor, application time or handling costs.
In our own testing center we develop and test the reliability of our branded products for you. We carefully review the newly developed Den Braven products as well as the revised versions of existing products as well as perform benchmarking. Top quality is a matter of course for us. We are constantly improving input, in-process and output control.
Logistics & storage spaces
We are convinced that logistics must successfully link the economic and environmental aspects of business. We consider possible ways to achieve this goal, for example by combining flows of goods, creating multipurpose networks and optimizing the use of logistics facilities. In the first place is the speed of processed orders, inspection of goods and of course shipping.
Our priority is to maximize storage efficiency and thereby minimize costs, which contributes to the further development of our company. The volume of goods that Den Braven manufactures and sells every year is constantly growing. The company is also continuously expanding the range of products and with increasing turnover and market share we are improving the quality of services for our end customers.
The basis is our own modern large-volume logistics center with a storage capacity of more than 20,000 pallet places and modern handling technology.
We are convinced that logistics must successfully link the economic and environmental aspects of business. We consider possible ways to achieve this goal, for example by combining flows of goods, creating multipurpose networks and optimizing the use of logistics facilities. In the first place is the speed of processed orders, inspection of goods and of course shipping.
Prioritou je pro nás maximální zvýšení efektivity skladování a tím minimalizace nákladů, což přispívá k dalšímu rozvoji naší společnosti. Objem zboží, které Den Braven každoročně vyrobí a prodá, neustále roste. Společnost také stále rozšiřuje i množství sortimentu a se stoupajícím obratem a podílem na trhu zkvalitňujeme i servis pro naše koncové zákazníky.
Základem je vlastní moderní velkoobjemové logistické centrum se skladovou kapacitou více než 20.000 paletových míst a s moderní manipulační technikou. Navíc disponujeme dalšími 20 pobočkami optimálně rozmístěnými po jednotlivých krajích Česka, Slovenska a Maďarska.